Year: 1984 - 2016
Nonwoven webforming line double card and double crosslapper
- Fibre-feed: HDB Hopper with Spiky Lattice and Comb (year: 1984)
- DILO Belt- weigher (Scale) (year: 2016)
- HDB Scribbler Card
- Autefa Intermediate Cross-lapper (year: 2001)
- HDB Finishing Card
- Autefa Final Cross-lapper(year:2001)
- DILO Di-loom OD (year: 1991)
- DILO Compensator 1 (year: 1991)
- DILO Di-loom UD (year: 1991)
- DILO Compensator 2 (year: 1991)
- DILO Roll-up
- Temafa Selvage Shredder